Full Spring, Please

We had our first fire ring of the season this evening. The warm weather came in so strong this week that I wasn’t sure we’d be able to pull it off. I should’ve known it would happen; Chris loves a fire, and not much will get in his way.

The wind blew embers haphazardly around our circle, so much so that I brought the charcuterie board inside so we just had to focus on protecting our eyes and beverages.

Not long after the wind died down, the rain started in. As soon as we remarked on how gentle a sprinkling it was, the larger drops began to fall, and we moved the party inside.

We’ve welcomed in a new season. I love the smell of woodsmoke that envelops my clothes and hair and am thankful that I can still burrow under a comforter without sweating (too much). I anticipate long weekend mornings and evenings spent outside without having to douse ourselves in mosquito repellant. I hope we get an actual spring filled with fires rings and sweatshirts.