Snow Line

We had a smooth drive up to Stowe, Vermont today. We pulled out of the driveway at 6:40 AM and were driving past NYC at 10:15 AM.

We were texting with our friends, who were about an hour behind us.

“Any sign of snow yet?” they asked.

Nope. Not when we got north of the city, not in Connecticut. Nothing in Massachusetts but flowering pear trees and brown leaves on the ground.

Hold on. As we neared the border of Vermont, the shaded areas along the side of the highway looked powdery.

“Oh, we have some dusting here…it’s getting thicker.”

Powdered sugar turned into thick icing. By the time we crossed the border into Vermont, it was wintertime. We had arrived.

Just after crossing the border into Vermont
Stowe, VT

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I teach reading to six graders at Thomas Jefferson Middle School in Arlington, Virginia. I love to read, travel, cook, and spend time outside. I am married to a math teacher, and I have two teenage children and two cats.

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